As we go into week 9 of isolation and into this year's Mental Health Week, we explore how we can improve our own mental health during this tough time but also help others when we all feel so physically afar. This years campaign begins with kindness, something we have all experienced during this pandemic. Communities and individuals coming together to provide kindness, hope and support. Kindness impacts everyone and can shift moods, attitudes, expectations and go wider to transform communities and families. Even the smallest gesture of kindness can make a positive impact in someone else's life. It can be as simple as ringing a friend to ask them how they are or sending a joke or meme to cheer someone up.
At Verdant Alchemy, we recognise the importance of self-care. So often we worry about others, without taking the time to take care of ourselves physically and mentally. A great way to soothe yourself and practice self-care and kindness is through meditation. Why not give it a go? Our friends at Mindology have created Verdant Alchemy customers a special 'Breathe In' stress releasing 3-minute mediation. It is easy to practice and only 3 minutes long, so find a safe space, a comfortable position, and click below to listen to the audio. We hope you enjoy it.
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