Mindfulness is all about being aware of the present moment you are living. Letting yourself take the time to practise mindful breathing can make a huge difference in your day, helping you reduce stress and more present and mindful. Mindful breathing links the benefits of deep breathing with the techniques of mindfulness. Mindful breathing has been found to provide pain relief, reduce anxiety and decrease negative thinking. To meditate mindfully, you should focus your attention on your breath, taking in what it feels like as you inhale and exhale. We recommend you practice mindful breathing for five minutes daily in order to yield the best results.
If you need more structure to help facilitate this practice follow our tips for mindful breathing:
Be Comfortable:
- Find a relaxed, comfortable position to sit in. Try to keep your spine straight and relax your neck and jaw while letting your hands rest where they are comfortable. If you need to do something with your hands place one hand on your chest and one below your rib cage. As you breathe your chest should remain still as your diaphragm moves your stomach in and out.
Use a Guided Recording:
- If this is your first-time practising it may feel difficult to get into the headspace you need to properly achieve your goal. If you need some structure to help you lead this practice, try listing to short guided meditation audio. We have linked a guided meditation produced by UCLA’s Mindful Awareness Research Center below.
Notice Your Breath:
- Listen to the rhythm of your breath. Feel it naturally flow in and out. You do not need to change your breathing patterns to make them longer or shorter, instead, let it come out of you naturally. Feel the sensation of your breath rush through your body with each inhale and exhale.
Pay Attention to Your Body:
- As your breath is flowing in and out, notice how it feels going through your body. Feel your body's connection with the object you are seated on, the connection of your breath to each area of your body as it becomes more stimulated. Breathe in slowly and feel your diaphragm move as you take in a breath. Allow all tensions to be released, and experience all the sensations around you.
Free Your Mind:
- Allow your mind to wander during this time. There are no rules for this practice so allow any thoughts coming into your head to linger without judgment. When you are ready, you can go back to focus on your breath.
Guided Meditation: http://marc.ucla.edu/mpeg/01_Breathing_Meditation.mp3
- https://ggia.berkeley.edu/practice/mindful_breathing#:~:text=The%20most%20basic%20way%20to,lying%20in%20a%20comfortable%20position.
- https://positivepsychology.com/mindful-breathing/
- https://www.insider.com/why-is-mindful-breathing-important
- https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/9445-diaphragmatic-breathing#:~:text=and%20neck%20relaxed.-,Place%20one%20hand%20on%20your%20upper%20chest%20and%20the%20other,remain%20as%20still%20as%20possible
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