Vivien Leung Q&A


Astrological sign? Aquarius

Lucky number? 24

Favourite colour? Green, Verdant obviously 🙂



Morning, Noon, or Night? Morning.

Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner? Dinner.

Green Tea, Black Tea, or Herbal Tea? Herbal tea, I love warming teas such as ginger.

Cashmere, Silk, or Linen? Linen.



Black, white or colour? White, every day is a wedding day.

Is your closet messy or neat? A bit on the messy side.



What’s your favourite room in your home? Bedroom, I love sleep.

What do you collect? Hats, I have started to block and make my own felt hats.

Dream dinner guest? David Bowie and Barack Obama.



Sunday ritual? Sundays are my chill days, time to recharge. So, I love having a late breakfast reading the Sunday papers. We live by a gorgeous park in London, so going for a walk and then having a relaxing day time bath is my key constant every Sunday. Then snuggling on the sofa with a good book - it’s really the only day I have carved out for reading and I cherish it.

Favourite flower? Mimosa, big yellow Mimosas.

Favourite scent? A green garden after a rainy day.

Cheat meal?  Burger with stilton cheese with rosemary chips and bacon gravy from Honest Burgers in the UK. It is so naughty but delicious.

Favourite place to escape to when you need a moment of respite? The bathtub, with Verdant Alchemy salts and a meditation app.



Quality you want to be remembered by? Loyal, empathetic but fierce.

Best thing about where you are from? I am from London, and I love the diversity and fun of the city. The food, parks, creativity and innovation continually fuel my love for my hometown.

What does Considered Luxury mean to you?  Considered luxury means just that, products and brands that are well thought out, considered and meaningful. Created with craftmanship and made with care.



What was the inspiration behind starting your brand?  I have always wanted to create something meaningful and effective. Bathing helped my recovery when I was burnt out and anxious and I wanted to share that with the world.

Give three words that describe your brand. Meaningful. Beautiful. Effective.

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